Bankruptcy Might Be Your Best Dept Settlement Option, Despite What Your Bank Thinks
It’s not at all wrong to give a thought about filing bankruptcy when you are in grave debt and in dire need to find a quick solution. Seeking advice from your bank about it is very natural. Banks on the other have always been seen as powerful institutions that would help the society to strengthen with the right policies. But no one would deny in today’s world that banks have prioritized their interest first over the interest of the people. They run like core business institutions and look after what is in their best interest. They lend loans to the people to seek interests from it at a particular rate and make a profit out of it. in total, they try to make more money out of the amount they have sanctioned and expect it to be returned in full within the particular time frame. So this idea of bankruptcy is something banks are never in favor of. If a person’s debts are discharged and they are no longer expected to pay the amount forwarded by the bank, it is something banks don’t wish happens and try to find other means to avoid such a situation. A popular Bankruptcy Lawyer in Tampa explains how this is situation Is pretty typical and something banks always tried to get rid of.
Why Banks Don’t Mention Bankruptcy As An Option?
There is a very surprising fact that if you start exploring the bank literature or foreclosure prevention book or any other related resources, it will be very hard to find bankruptcy as a valid or a good option in any case. Even when the customer is in dire need of a settlement from the impending debts bowing him down and looks for the bankruptcy options, the bank in most of the cases would advise you not to and would rather give you other options for debt settlement which might be more beneficial for the bank. There are certainly other options available like payday loans or maxing out all your credits, or even borrowing money from your close relatives and friends but all these options would not give you the permanent relief which you are looking for for the time being. In cases when the bank does mention this unwanted term of bankruptcy in their books, they try to push it as harsh or not the best solution and figure it as it should be the last option.
The bankruptcy lawyer in Tampa explains that banks react in such a way because when a person opts to file for bankruptcy, he would no longer be considered a beggar and instead would now be called debtor, who in such a case owes money, he will have his set of rights favoring him given the condition he is in and bankruptcy judge would be in place to ensure that all his rights under the bankruptcy law are protected. The bank thus would not have the power to harass or put any kind of pressure on the prime borrower. The borrower would therefore be free from any kind of bullying or pressure, the bank would have put him into and is free to talk on his terms. Filing bankruptcy will force all the parties on the negotiation terms and it would often be in the borrower’s interest as per the laws. It is always important to choose the right law firm that could genuinely help you keeping in mind all the benefits in your interest. We at a Galewski law firm are more than eager to help you in such a situation and our years of experience in bankruptcy matter assures that we will be the right choice for you to take your case in the right direction.
Also Read: What Happens To My Cosigner In Bankruptcy?
But Isn’t Bankruptcy Bad?
Bankruptcy has, unfortunately, have always been taken very negatively by a large section of society. Even now people are very pessimistic about filing bankruptcy because they feel that this will be the connotation of your failure and not doing good or justice with what you were up to. These thoughts are utterly wrong and dreadful given the fact that bankruptcy in return provides you with the desired stability and give you a better chance to stay afloat and get back stronger. Filing a chapter 7 bankruptcy or Chapter 13 Bankruptcy in Tampa or in any region where you stay will relieve you with much of your debts or else would give you considerable time to pay off your debts in very few amounts over those years. What’s more beneficial with bankruptcy comes with the fact that in most cases the individual is allowed to stay in his property and keep with him most of his essential possession which helps the individual to have a chance of living his normal life and give him a good amount of time to get everything back on the normal track. Most people think that bankruptcy would bring harder times and they will have to leave their home and stuff and would be forced to live on a street with almost nothing left in possession, which is utterly wrong. So if you are seeking debt relief and looking for the best option available with you, we at Galewski law firm have a great team to help you out and settle everything for you favorably.
Speak With A Bankruptcy Attorney, Not A Bank
A person who is facing huge debts and is relentlessly trying to find the best option available to figure out whatever is in his best interest; should immediately consult a bankruptcy attorney. People often get fudged by seeking help from the bank in such a situation because they feel that it is the most trusted option available to them and it will do them good. But unfortunately, it might turn out to be a wrong choice if an individual is dealing with huge debts. Banks might not be the most trusted option in such a case and instead, you should look for a bankruptcy attorney.
We at Galewski Law Group have the best Bankruptcy Lawyers In Tampa who would help you make the best decisions. These are critical times and you can’t afford a wrong decision so it's always important to choose a reliable option.